Monday, January 30, 2012

UK Weight Watchers Commercial: Do It Our Way

A very inspiring promotional video featuring members who have lost on the Weight Watchers program and, in turn, have joined forces with the UK's Alesha Dixon in order to advertise the Propoints program (UK version of the PointsPlus program here in North America).  For those of you who have been getting a little  tired of the Weight Watchers commercials featuring Jennifer Hudson, you'll find this video nice and refreshing:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Healthy Habit: Meal Planning

This week I'm trying my hands at something I haven't quite gotten the knack of and that is meal planning.  Because you're primarily relying on a calorie/points counting method on Weight Watchers (WW), anyone that has ever followed the program and has had success on it, will swear by the importance of this simple habit.  

Now I haven't been always consistent with meal planning, but the one thing I've noticed when I do plan out my meals is that I'm more than likely to stick to the program and keep within my allotted daily points.  On the flip side, if I overlook this one simple habit, you can always bank on me going over my points each and every time.  Luckily, WW allots an additional weekly allowance for such situations, but I'd like to actually get into the habit of pre-tracking my meals so I can put those points towards my favorite treats.  

According to most experts, meal planning doesn't take much time.  All it takes really is you sitting down once or even a couple of times a week and coming up with a schedule of meals for the week.  There's nothing to it as long as you're willing to take the time and make it a part of your routine.  

So as of today, I'm making that commitment to start getting into the habit of meal planning.  I've already started this evening and you know what, it's actually not as hard as I thought it would be.  


Friday, January 20, 2012

Officially Back on Weight Watchers

There's been a lot of buzz as of late with the new and improved version of the Weight Watchers Points Plus program, and from following most of the weight watchers reviews online people seem very pleased with the results they've been getting on the new program.  

Now I did sign up and do Points Plus (PP) when the program was first rolled out in November of 2010, but I wasn't too impressed with the results I was getting on the program so I decided to stick with the Momentum Program (previous program before PP) since I had just signed up for it months before PP came out and wasn't quite ready to switch over to something new just yet.

Fast forward a full year later and I find myself drawn to the program once more, especially with all the latest changes that have been made to the program.  As a result, I enrolled in the program this morning and have decided to give PP a try once more.

So what exactly has changed on the 2012 edition of the program?
  • Daily point targets have dropped to a minimum of 26.  On the previous program, the lowest anyone could go in points was 29.  
  • There is now an opportunity for members to tweak daily points by -3 (with the daily minimum set at 26) if one is not losing on the calculated daily points based on one's height, age, and gender.  So for example, from calculating my daily points target using this formula, I've been given 32 points.  If by chance, I don't seem to be losing on the 32 points, then I can drop my points anywhere between 1-3 points to start losing again.  However, if I'm comfortable with how weight loss is progressing on 32 points then I can stick with my daily points value set in place.  
  • The Complete Food Guide and Dining Out Guide have all been updated with new and accurate food listings.  When PP was first rolled out, a few mistakes were made with the PP values of given foods and some of the values given for foods were completely way off in points.  This is the number #1 reason why I always try my best to calculate point values on my own-I never like leaving things to chance.
  • A new calculator has been introduced for the program and now takes into consideration the new minimum points target of 26.  From playing around with the calculator, there's really no difference between it and the old calculator, so if you're reading this and wondering whether or not you need a new calculator-you don't, you can just stick with what you had before.
I guess that's it really as far as changes to Points Plus.  I'm feeling pretty excited about jumping back on board with the program and can't wait to see what sort of results I get over the course of the following weeks.  

I do have a bit of a surprise for those of you who've been following the blog, but you'll have to wait at least a week for an official update (hee hee...I love surprises).

Kirstie Alley Set to Write New Book

Looks like Jennifer Hudson is not the only one that has rode on the weight loss bandwagon with the release of a new book.   Kirsie Alley is about to do the same with the release of her new book set for release in 2012.   and will chronicle how she keeps it fabulous at 60 after shedding more than 30 pounds earlier last year.  Nothing has been confirmed to date, but Alley is in talks with Simon & Schuster's Atria to imprint the new book and is hoping to have the book out in sometime in July.  

Jessica Simpson as New Weight Watchers Spokesperson

It's official, Jessica Simpson has just signed on with Weight Watchers, under a 3 Million dollar deal, as the new spokesperson for the company.  Simpson, who's battles with weight have been part of the public limelight, is set to start following the program after giving birth as a way to shed her baby weight.  

Critics are a little skeptical that Simpson is starting so early to start worrying about weight loss, but the way I see it, if you're a woman who's ever gone through child-birth, especially a first time pregnancy, it's definitely something every woman worries about-all that weight you gain in the process and how you're going to get it off (smiles).  

A Little Motivation...

It's been way too long since I've blogged, but my life has been a roller-coaster ride with a few events that have taken place recently.  Things haven't been easy, but I think I'm ready to shift my focus and put myself back on the map by getting healthy again.  I've been back on Weight Watchers for the last two weeks and am so ready to drop the 35-40 pounds I've been trying to drop since last year.  

In order to motivate myself to stay focused on the program, I have decided to invest in the ever so popular Pandora bracelets and apply the keychain method Weight Watchers (WW) often uses as a way to motivate members to stick to their program.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the keychain method,  when you sign up with the program and start losing, WW adds an extra incentive by motivating its members with charms per every number of pounds lost on program.  So for example, if you lose the first 10% of your body weight, you get a ring for a keychain.  As you continue to lose and reach specific percentage points with weight loss, you get charms to add to your ring as a way to track your progress while following the program.  I think it's a great method for tracking weight loss and, more importantly, keeping you focused on reaching your goal.  

With that said, I've decided to personalize my journey on Weight Watchers by investing in something I've always wanted, but earning it by keeping on track with program.  I'm going to start my new venture by purchasing a Pandora bracelet and motivating myself with weight loss by purchasing a charm with every 5 pounds I lose while on program.  I think this is a fantastic way to get back on board with program and motivate myself by investing in something pretty to help me along the way.