Friday, April 6, 2012

Weigh-in and Update Week #11

So we're in week #11 already.  After slacking a bit last week, I'm back on program and am down a total of 4 pounds.  I wasn't worried about the 3 lbs weight gain last week as I knew once I got back on track with program and bumped up the workouts I'd start losing again. 

Dipping into my Activity Points has definitely helped with warding off hunger levels.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Weight Watchers Activity Points, they're points you earn while working out.  So for example, if I did an 1 hour of activity, I can earn 4 additional points and trade them in for food.  I would never dip into my Activity Points for fear of not losing or gaining, but as I've come to realize this week, I can use my daily points, extra weekly points and Activity Points and still lose weight and the 4 pound weight loss is a testament to that.

As for workouts, I'm working out 4 days a week and doing fitness classes at a local gym, light cardio here and there, and I just recently joined a Bootcamp which I hope to update readers on fairly soon. 

Here are my results for week #11:

01/15/12: -2.2
01/28/12: -2.0
02/01/12: -3.2
02/11/12: -0.8
02/18/12: +1.4
02/25/12: +1.2
03/03/12: -3.4
03/10/12: -1.2

03/17/12: -0.8
03/31/12: +3
03/04/05: -4

Total Weigh lost:
14.6 pounds

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