Saturday, October 1, 2011

Debate: New Weight-Watchers Program vs the Old Weight Watchers Program

For those of you who have been following my blog religiously, you will recall the few reviews I had done on the new Weight Watchers Points Plus program when it was first rolled out in November of 2010.  I have one of those personalities that's open to change (very open), so naturally when the program first came out I was all over it and couldn't wait to see what sort of success I got with the program.  Well I did switch over and gave the program a good honest try for a good 3 or 4 months, but unfortunately didn't have much success with it so ended up switching back to what had worked for me when  first joining WW and that was the old Momentum Program.  

I must say that I am very fortunate to have caught the old Momentum Program before Weight Watchers had switched over to Points Plus.  I had joined WW in September of 2010 and had a good couple of months of success on the program before Points Plus was introduced in November of 2010.  

So why did I switch back to Momentum as of 10 weeks ago?  First off, even though, on the surface, Points Plus seems like a great program and one that  truly advocates for healthy choices when it comes to diet, the program unfortunately didn't produce the results I expected while losing weight. Despite following the program to the letter, I would have weeks and weeks go by where I would lose extremely little, then gain back the weight, then lose and then continue with the same cycle from week to week.  It got to the point where I got tired of this continuous pattern and decided to switch back to what I knew had worked for a me a few months prior and that was the old Momentum Program.  

I just remember my at work Weight Watchers leader telling our group to throw away all of our old program material when Points Plus was introduced...THANK GOD I have pack-rat tendencies and didn't.  I would have literally shot myself for tossing a program that I knew had worked and produced results.  

So where am I at today?  Well as mentioned earlier, I'm back on the old Momentum program and having great success with it.  It's been 10 weeks and I'm down 24 pounds.  I have hit the dreaded plateau, but by switching things up a bit I should be able to break the plateau and continue on with weight loss until I reach goal.

From closely monitoring a few of the Weight Watchers boards, I'm not the only one who has made the transition back to the old program, there are countless others, who for whatever reason aren't having much luck with the Points Plus program and have made the switch back.  I guess the reality is that even though Weight Watchers stands behind science as far as it program goes, science or perhaps even Weigh Watchers got the formula wrong this time around.  

So that's my update in a nutshell on what I've been up to as far as weight loss.  I'm back on plan and ready to drop this weight I've been carrying for way too long.


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