Sunday, July 31, 2011

DreamBody Transformation

I'm so excited about this post, because the following clip goes to show just what can happen when you put your mind to accomplishing what you set your mind to.  

This clip is a little close to home, because I remember meeting this young woman at the IBFF back in Calgary about a year ago, maybe even longer.  At that time, she had just started training with my former trainer, Paul Anthony Neil, and had set her eyes on not only losing weight and getting in shape, but one day competing in a fitness competition.  Well, she did exactly what she had her eyes set on, and looks unbelievable.  This video clip is truly inspiring and I hope to use it as a little motivation to one day reach my goals.

Congratulations Linsday!

For more information on DreamBody, please visit the following link:


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!


Weight Watchers Lemon Bars

I tend to frequent various discussion sites and blogs specifically geared towards Weight Watchers and keep on coming across posts on Weight Watcher's latest, "Lemon Mousse Pie" bars.  Now for those of you who haven't tried Weight Watchers' bars, they're to die for...literally!  I've tried pretty much ever flavor with the exception of the Lemon Mousse Pie bars because for whatever reason they haven't been brought to Canada yet.  And according to the many reviews I've come across on the new bars, they've been referred to as crack; not that I promote or condone the use of crack, but this goes to show how good they must be!  

Now I don't know if and when WW plans on bringing these bars down to Canada, but I'm dying to try them and would do any thing to get my hands on them (smiles).  So if any of the reps from Weight Watchers happens to come across this post, it would be nice if you considered your Canadian consumers for once, and brought your yummy Lemon Mousse Pie bars to this part of the world...I'll be waiting...


Weight Watchers-Behind the Scenes with Jennifer Hudson's Cousins

There's no doubt that Jennifer Hudson's amazing transformation on Weight Watchers has inspired many to follow  suite and embark on a their own personal weight loss transformations.  It's even more inspiring and motivating to watch clips like this and to see the profound effect JHUDD continues to have in getting people to think more consciously about their diet and lifestyle.

Jeanette Jenkins Collaborates with Kelly Rowland on new Fitness Video

I was a little surprised to learn that Jeanette Jenkins (popular American trainer for those of you who don't know her...oh and I should mention that she's originally from Canada) and Kelly Rowland will be collaborating on a new fitness DVD to be released sometime this year.  The DVD is called, "Sexy Abs" and focuses on sculpting, defining and reshaping the midsection.  I haven't had all that much interest in Jeanette Jenkins DVD's in the past, but it looks like I may have my eyes set on this one.