Friday, November 6, 2009

Challenge for the month of November

"Spending one hour a day working on yourself will surely give you dramatic results in thirty days-provided you do the right things. It takes about one month to fully install a new habit. After this period, the behaviors, strategies and tools you are embracing will fit like a second skin. They key is to keep on practicing them every day if you want to keep on seeing the results. Commitment is a powerful thing." Robin Sharma

I chose this quote for this entry as it pertains to a challenge my trainer has given me from now until I reach my goal weight. For the month of November, my trainer is encouraging me to eat clean and train hard, and avoid skipping work-outs and having those occasional cheats on the weekend. It is quite the challenge for me, particularly on the nutrition side of things since the longest I've gone without cheating is 14 days. He feels that by going a whole month straight with this challenge, I will see even more changes in my body and health that I will be even more motivated to reach my goal weight.

Well I'm going to take my trainer on with this challenge, and find the strength within to defeat the odds! wish me luck!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weighing in...

So this week seemed to be an uneventful week as far as work-outs are concerned due to battling a cold that just won't seem to go away. I did manage to get my strength training sessions in with my trainer, but I've been slacking in the cardio department; meaning that between today and tomorrow I have about 2-45 minute sessions to squeeze in and 1- 30 minute high-intensity session.
Weight loss seems to be moving along quite nicely, however, I know that by next week I need to step it up a notch.

Either way, here is what I'm weighing and measuring in at for this past week.

Neck: 13
Bust: 36
Chest: 32
Waist: 32
Stomach: 36.5
Hips: 41
Thighs: 26
Calves: 16.5
Upper-arm: 13
forearm: 11

Total inches lost: 6 inches

Weight: 180 (no change)

On another note, I did have my body-fat measured for the second time around and my overall body fat has gone down quite a bit. When I first had it measured I came in at 33% total body fat which put me in the overweight range, but today my body fat came in at 26%, 1% over a healthy range for my age and height.

For next week, one of my goals is to break the 180's once and for stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nutritional and Fitness Tips for Motivation!

One habit I’ve gotten into ever since starting on my weightloss journey is keeping a running list in my personal journal of nutritional and fitness tips I’ve come across while reading fitness magazines, talking to health experts, and of course spending time on forums such as my two favorite sites: and Doing this helps keep me motivated and more committed then ever in pursuing my goals.

Below you will find a list I’ve started in my journal with really great tips I'm sure you'll find usefull (please note that I’ll continue updating this list as I come across more tips).

1. The easiest and sure way to lose weight is by changing your mind set and not viewing your diet as a "diet" but a lifestyle change.

2. Be sure to incorporate each of the food groups into your diet, that includes Carbs, Protein, Fats, and Dairy. Omitting any of these will leave you feeling deprived and undernourished.

3. Watch your portions! A little trick that works for me is using what I call the "Pie-square Method" of Eating. What I do is when about to eat is split my place into sections-1/2 the plate only for vegetables; 1/4 of the plate for protein, and the other 1/4 for Carbs.

4. Drink your Water! Water acts as a natural cleanser and is one of the best ways to rid yourself of impurities and waste from your body…and if you didn’t already know-water aids with weight loss as well.

5. Don’t underestimate the power of PATIENCE! Remember it took time for you to pile on the pounds and it will also take time to lose, so hang in there and you will certainly see results!

6. Eating Clean guarantees results!

7. Successful weight loss is based on the 80:20 rule; 80% nutrition, 10% genes, and 10% fitness.

8. Eat 5 or 6 smalls meals everyday!

9. Eat every 2-3 hours.

10. Write down and record everything you eat (every morsel of food)!

11. If you need it, give yourself one cheat meal a week so that you can enjoy foods that you don’t normally eat.

12. Find healthy alternatives to your favorite meals and treats and incorporate them into your diet.

13. Consume foods like fruits, whole grain carbs and starches at the beginning of the day when you are more likely to be busiest and have a better chance of burning the calories away.

14. Say no to sugar!!!

15. Be consistent with your efforts!!! Don’t give up so quickly if you aren’t seeing results. Remember, it takes time for you body to adjust to the changes you’re imposing on it (this can take anywhere from 2-3 months).

16. Track your progress every 4-8 weeks. Measuring your progress using these guidelines gives you an accurate measure of how much your hard work is paying off.

17. Take your photo every six weeks. Use each six week date as one of your "mini" goals.

18. Post a motivational picture or statement, or even your goal somewhere that’s visible to you.

Finding Alternatives to Your Favorite Foods

The best thing about embarking on my new found lifestyle is the fact that I get to experiment with a wide variety of new recipes and best of all, find alternatives to most of my favorite dishes. As a result, I feel so much more in control of my diet and don’t feel the need to reach for some of the unhealthy foods I was eating before. For example, I am the ultimate cheesecake lover and would do anything in a heart beat to get my hands on the stuff, but now, I have found a waaaaaay healthier alternative that seems to keep my cravings at bay and keep me satisfied in the process. I while back I found a cheesecake alternative-Lemon Peel Ricotta Creme and the stuff is to die for! It’s to the point where I really don’t miss the REAL thing and am fine settling for something quite similar, but much healthier.

Another healthier alternative that has served me quite well is spaghetti squash topped with homemade tomato sauce with ground chicken and fresh veggies as opposed to regular spaghetti and pre-made, store-bought sauce. It’s so much tastier, not to mention healthier, and I can have as much of it as I want without blowing my calories out the window.

I think I can get use to and live comfortably with this Clean Eating thing. There’s nothing like being exposed to a whole new way of living and improving your health in the process.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cheat Alert!

Yesterday evening I was invited to my little cousin's birthday extravaganza and as much as I tried to restrain myself from giving in to the tempting delights-I caved in. I mean, how could I stop myself from the mouth-watering Nigerian dishes-Jellof rice, spiced chicken, marinated fish, puff puff (Nigerian donuts), fried plantains and meat pies? I just couldn't turn away and yes I indulged myself and didn't look back.

If it were me 2-5 years ago, I would have gone away from the situation feeling extremely guilty about so called "cheating" on my diet. But is it really "cheating" or was my action just part of my new found lifestyle towards health? Call it what you will, I see my actions as a part of being human and a part of my journey towards health. As much as I would love to be perfect on my diet and keep it as clean as possible, I'm learning that I may not always face those situations where I have the luxury of being perfect. The most important thing is that if you have those days where you stray away from your diet, you immediately go back to eating clean the following day-no excuses!

If you're not at that point yet and can't get past the simple act of straying from your diet-you can give Johanna Hall's Contingency Plan for Cheating a try. I came across this a while back and found it useful for those days I was far from perfect with my diet:

What is it?
An action that is put in place once you feel you have taken a back step on your weight loss journey.

What is its Aim?
To help you get on track and keep on track so that your lapse doesn't become a collapse. A Contingency Plan for Cheating stops you from feeling like you're failing. It puts you firmly in control, reinforcing your Template of Success, and stopping the Template of Failure from taking hold.

What are the Guidelines of a Contingency Plan for Cheating?

1. Play the 300 Calorie Game.
Eat 300 fewer calories the day before an event and be sure to fit in a structured exercise session. Then eat 300 calories the day after. This can be done by cutting back on a snack or limiting portions. If you want you can fit in another exercise session.

2. Double Carb Curfew
Introduce a double carb curfew-lunch and supper-but do still have some slow releasing carbs at breakfast.

3. Stay Hydrated
Keep on top of properly hydrating yourself with water through-out the day.

4. Veg-up!
Use liquid foods to help curb your hunger and preserve your energy. Make yourself a vegetable based soup to eat before you go out to your function-this will help curb your appetite and line your stomach.

5. Burn those Calories by: Walking a mile; accumulating 2000 steps on your pedometer; walking up and down your stairs for 5 minutes continuously; dancing enthusiastically to your favorite music for 12 minutes.

IDFA Championships

So one of my ultimate dreams has always been to compete in a fitness/figure competition and for the first time I had the opportunity to attend my first ever natural body, fitness, and figure competition hosted by the IDFA-talk about an experience! There was nothing like experiencing the hard-work, dedication, and motivation that goes into a nicely sculpted figure and paying it all off by displaying your work for the world to see.

I've honestly never respected any athlete as I do those who compete in body building, fitness and figure competitions. I know it's not easy, but the will-power and patience these competitors employ while preparing for competition is unbelievable.

If all goes well, I do hope to one day compete myself in a fitness/figure competition, then again, my focus should be on one thing at a time and the first on my list is to knock off the last 20-30 pounds.

I wanted to congratulate Candace McLellan for placing 1st in her Division, she was one of my favorites in the show and she deserved to win!

Check out pics from the show.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog Disclaimer

The date and information provided on Cynthia's Health and Weigh Loss Blog is not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a health provider before embarking or following the information suggested by anyone on this site. Only a health care provider or your own personal physician can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for weight loss and your general health.