Friday, November 6, 2009

Challenge for the month of November

"Spending one hour a day working on yourself will surely give you dramatic results in thirty days-provided you do the right things. It takes about one month to fully install a new habit. After this period, the behaviors, strategies and tools you are embracing will fit like a second skin. They key is to keep on practicing them every day if you want to keep on seeing the results. Commitment is a powerful thing." Robin Sharma

I chose this quote for this entry as it pertains to a challenge my trainer has given me from now until I reach my goal weight. For the month of November, my trainer is encouraging me to eat clean and train hard, and avoid skipping work-outs and having those occasional cheats on the weekend. It is quite the challenge for me, particularly on the nutrition side of things since the longest I've gone without cheating is 14 days. He feels that by going a whole month straight with this challenge, I will see even more changes in my body and health that I will be even more motivated to reach my goal weight.

Well I'm going to take my trainer on with this challenge, and find the strength within to defeat the odds! wish me luck!